Originally created by Verdana, Mine Little Pony is an OG minecraft mod with the aim
of bringing magic and friendship to the world of minecraft! It turns the player and most
mobs into ponies, and features a custom skin server (using HD Skins) for players to upload
their skins to.
After Verdana's retirement, I eventually adopted the project and continue to support it to this day, addition new features and bug fixes for the latest version of Minecraft.
My own creation, this mod aims to bring further pony capabilities to minecraft!
What started as a humble teleporting mod for me to play as a unicorn has gradually evolved into a complete gameplay experience, with unique abilities and items for each race, new types of blocks, foods, farming, and an in-depth megic and spell system.
Another OG mod, this time by Huricaaaane (or simply Ha3). Presence Footsteps enhances
the gameplay experience by adding unique and distinct sounds for a lot of minecraft's
blocks. It's fully configurable and moddable.
Same as what happened to Mine Little Pony, I picked up support of this mod after Ha3's retirement.
Do you read or write fanfiction? Do you use Fimfiction? Ever wish Fimfiction was better?
Well this script might just be for you! Fimfiction Advanced adds several enhancements to fimfiction that I saw it needed, as well as brings back several OG features that knighty has slowly removed over the years. It really does feel like an entirely new site when you install this.
Tired of browsing a website themed around a character you don’t like or with an obvious pandering to an inferior background pony, or that follows filthy standard?
Well worry no more! With the Sweet Apple Acres’ patented Jackybooru Theme you too can browse the internet as intended by the superior background pony race.
Other changes include:
Can't get enough of Jackybooru? Try these other great styles!
Twilibooru - a Twilight Sparkle Theme
Sparklebooru - a darker Twilight Sparkle Theme
Partibooru - a Pinkie Pie Theme
Dressabooru - a Rarity of a Theme
Tired of your comments being lifeless and boring? Ever wish ponies would look at you and go:
Wow, this guy’s smart, charismatic, and handsome!
Well look no further! I have the userscript for you! Derpibooru emoticons adds a grand total of 56 cute pony themed emoticons – emotiponies to liven up your comment section!
They won’t make anypony charismatic or handsome,
but ponies will certainly notice your smart use of emoticons!
Get it now from the links below, for a limited time+ offer of free!
+ Time may not actually be limited
Ever think to yourself “Gee, I sure do love collecting badges!”? Yes, you know who you are. This style is for you.
Make Badges Wrap Again (or MBWA for short) does exactly what the name implies! It removes those pesky little overflows that prevent the site from breaking under the weight of your own awesomeness and forces it to display all of your precious achievements at once!
Finally, we can let it all hang out!